Monday, May 10, 2010

journal #1

chapters 1-3

prespective of dill

dear journal,

Today i meet to kids named Scout and Jem. they where really nice. and i told them that i now how top read. we played many games and we played many acting games. after a while they told me about a very scary house that some kid lived in. i think the name of the kid is was boo radley. for some reason i was very intersted in this house somtimes i would just lay next to a pole and stare at the house hoping that i could get a glimpse of boo radley becuase no ones seen him for 15 years. that really irked me. after that day passed i was hanging out with Jem and Scout and later that day i dared Jem to ring the door bell to see if boo radley would come out to see how he looks. it took a while for Jew to make up his mind because he has a reputation but he also didnt want to do it because he was very scared. after a couple of days we where at the front of the house and i cept telling him to ring the door bell. he was still very reluctant to ring the door bell but also he could'nt say no because he didnt want to ruien his reputation. so i compromised and just told him to touch the door he dosent have to ring the door bell. and he said sure and touch the door but he still went running back and even though we just touched the door we saw the window keratin move so now we know that there is some one here. in the i wanted to prevere this moment.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Blog 3

Said by: Frank Mccourt
Paragraph: 1
Question: What was the journey like coming to America

Quote: 1
"I can see myself in the mirror puting on the aftershave lotion and shaking my head at my self felling if this is the way it's going to be in America I'm sorry I ever left Ireland. It's hard enough coming here in the first place without preists criticizing you over your failure to hit off the rich kentucky Protestants, your ignorance of bath mats, the state of your underwear and your doudts about aftershave lotion."

I think the qoute says it all becaues it explains every thing. By every thing I mean small parts of his journy to America. Like in one part of the qoute he says "preists criticizing you over your failure to hit off the rich kentucky Protestants" the way this relates to the questine is that. In one part of the book he is on a boat going to America and he meets a priest on the boat and the preist tells him to go talk to the rich protestants from kuntucky to get a job from them because this is a rare apertunity. But that's just one thing he menchened in this qoute there are many others like this one .
"your ignorance of bath mats, the state of your underwear and your doudts about aftershave lotion" in this part there at the hotal and there taking showers but when it's time for Franck McCourt to take a shower. He takes one but he gets out and the priest asks him how exaclty did you dry your self with out a towl. I think he responds by saying that he dryer him self with the mat that was in the shower. And the preist starts to lagthf becuase he dosent now anything about America. And then the preist starts to shave and frank McCourt asks him what is that your outing on your face and he says shaving cream. My point is that it was hard coming to America because it's completly diffrent from Ireland.

I honestly don't think I can connect to this qoute becusae I'm already in America and I never had any problems going to a new country/place. Becuase usaly my mom knows what to do already. But once I had gone to a place in San Diego I had never Been to even though I had heard so many things about it and it was hard to get there and imagine if it was hard for me to get some where in San Diego my own home town how it must have been for Franck McCourt.

Question for group: if you have gone to a strange place/country how was it going there. (Were the people nice or mean there).

Question Number 6: How do the characters maintain their cultural ties to their homeland while living in America

I don't have a qoute for this one because he really dosent explan how he trys to muntan his culture. I guess one way he trys is that he always gose to Irish dances and he usaly gose with a freind because he is to nurvise to ask a girl to dance. He also goses to Irish bars so those are ways he trys to keep his coltture. Currintly I'm on page 194 and in this pate he's with his freands in a dance and he asks dolorce to dance and she's irish. There's many ways he shows that he trys to keep his culture but he dosnt explain how he dose.

I didnt have a qoute but I can connetcet to the qouestion becuase I don't try to keep my culture. But I em enterested in it I like travling to diffrent place in Mexico to find out things but it uselu comes to me. So this hard.
Question for grouph: how do you think that frank McCourt keeps his culture.

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Sunday, March 7, 2010


Said by: Frank Mccourt
Paragraph: 2
Quote, "and I'd start cring to myself on the deck chair with the gorgeous Atlantic all around me. New York ahead, city of my dreams where I'd have the golden tan, the dazzling white teeth . I'd wonder what in gods name was wrong with me that I should be missing Limerick already, city of gray miseries the place where I dreamed of escape to New York. I'd hear my mothers warning, The devil you now is better then the devil you don't know."

Question: Why have the characters in your book come to America?

He has come to America because he wants to escape limerick. And also he'll have a better life in new york because there are more opertunities in America then in limerick. As he says in the qoute he's wondering why he's not missing limerick for some reson. And I Guess he wants a tan and white teeth becuase in America most of the people there have tans and wight teeth. And he says in chapter 1 that the only thing he had in limerick was misery. Like I said he left to escape and the opertunities.

I guess I cam conect to the qout because If I go some where I usaly don't miss San Diego. Like one time I went to cancun and I wanted to stay there and I didn't miss San Diego not one bit. I guess I didn't miss San Diego because it was so nice there in cancun.

Question for group: if you where to live in your dream home/city would you stay there or come back to America?and why?

Question: What challenges do the characters face upon their arrival.

Said by: frank Mccourt
Page: 67
Paragraph: 1
Quote 2 : " I'm twenty years of age and I never took a girl to a dance or a film or even a cup of tea and now I have to learn how to do it. I don't even now how to talk to girls because we never had one in the house except my mother. I don't now anything after growing up in limerick and listening to priests on Sundays thundering against dancing and walking out the road with girls."

One of his challenges faces is bacily what it says in the qoute. Which is that he dosent even now how to talk to girls. Which is very bad becaues his first job in America is to be a cleaner in the front for a hotel. That job in voles talking which means talking to girls or them talking to him to pick some thing up. And espacily that most of the people that Re in the front of the hotel are the colleage students and all of the colleage girls are his age so that gets him nevise which efects his job In a negitive way. I guess that's one of the challenges he has right now.

I don't really now how I could possably connect to this qoute because I don't get that nervise when I talk to girls or I don't even get nervise at all. But I understant why he feels like that because he never even walked and talked to girl in limerick.(which is sad if you ask me) but it seems as if the priest where hard on him. And I get that if you tell some one that you can't do some thing most of the time than they don't do it.

Question: If you where in his pasision what would you do.

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Monday, March 1, 2010

page: 38
paragraph: 3

"When I look back on my childhood I wonder how I survived at all. It was, of course, a miserable childhood: the happy childhood is hardly worth your while. Worse than the ordinary miserable childhood is the miserable Irish childhood, and worse yet is the miserable Irish Catholic childhood.
. . . nothing can compare with the Irish version: the poverty; the shiftless loquacious alcoholic father; the pious defeated mother moaning by the fire; pompous priests; bullying schoolmasters; the English and the terrible things they did to us for eight hundred long years."-Frank McCourt

Question: What was the life/role of the characters in their home country?
I was reading this and i stumbling over this quote. it shows how his life was
back when he was in Ireland. also what his childhood was like. he was cathlic
when he was in Ireland and he didn't like his child hood that much. right now
hes struggling to help his family. he was a pretty good child he went to school
did his chorus. his dream was to go to America and live there.
qoute question:
do you like this quote. how do you feel about him.

Question Number :4
Page Number: 21
Said By: Catholic Priest
"They'll think you just got off Ellis Island."

What hardships do the characters endure as they make a new life.
so hardships are how he will get accustom to his new life. he'll
have to change his out fit and his thoughts. what i mean by tought is that
he going to have to act diffrent to bland in. his life is never going to
be the same after hes in america for a while. but his famliy will be greatful
because hes starting to send money to them.

is relates to me some how. it relates because when i went on a cruse
i was with some frends and there was a bunch of people that where
Japanese and i couldent under stand them so i ask my frend what they
where say, i had to change every thing. because i didn't now that language.

question: If you where in that pasision what would you do.