Sunday, March 7, 2010


Said by: Frank Mccourt
Paragraph: 2
Quote, "and I'd start cring to myself on the deck chair with the gorgeous Atlantic all around me. New York ahead, city of my dreams where I'd have the golden tan, the dazzling white teeth . I'd wonder what in gods name was wrong with me that I should be missing Limerick already, city of gray miseries the place where I dreamed of escape to New York. I'd hear my mothers warning, The devil you now is better then the devil you don't know."

Question: Why have the characters in your book come to America?

He has come to America because he wants to escape limerick. And also he'll have a better life in new york because there are more opertunities in America then in limerick. As he says in the qoute he's wondering why he's not missing limerick for some reson. And I Guess he wants a tan and white teeth becuase in America most of the people there have tans and wight teeth. And he says in chapter 1 that the only thing he had in limerick was misery. Like I said he left to escape and the opertunities.

I guess I cam conect to the qout because If I go some where I usaly don't miss San Diego. Like one time I went to cancun and I wanted to stay there and I didn't miss San Diego not one bit. I guess I didn't miss San Diego because it was so nice there in cancun.

Question for group: if you where to live in your dream home/city would you stay there or come back to America?and why?

Question: What challenges do the characters face upon their arrival.

Said by: frank Mccourt
Page: 67
Paragraph: 1
Quote 2 : " I'm twenty years of age and I never took a girl to a dance or a film or even a cup of tea and now I have to learn how to do it. I don't even now how to talk to girls because we never had one in the house except my mother. I don't now anything after growing up in limerick and listening to priests on Sundays thundering against dancing and walking out the road with girls."

One of his challenges faces is bacily what it says in the qoute. Which is that he dosent even now how to talk to girls. Which is very bad becaues his first job in America is to be a cleaner in the front for a hotel. That job in voles talking which means talking to girls or them talking to him to pick some thing up. And espacily that most of the people that Re in the front of the hotel are the colleage students and all of the colleage girls are his age so that gets him nevise which efects his job In a negitive way. I guess that's one of the challenges he has right now.

I don't really now how I could possably connect to this qoute because I don't get that nervise when I talk to girls or I don't even get nervise at all. But I understant why he feels like that because he never even walked and talked to girl in limerick.(which is sad if you ask me) but it seems as if the priest where hard on him. And I get that if you tell some one that you can't do some thing most of the time than they don't do it.

Question: If you where in his pasision what would you do.

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1 comment:

  1. Response #1: Christian, in the 1st paragraph you are supposed to talk about why it relates/answers the question. It seems to me as if you just summarized the quote and the thoughts that came before and after it in the book. With the personal connection I think you understand/completing it very well. But you understand the story very well so… two thumbs up there!
    Answer #1: I would never come back to San Diego. It’s my dream city; it’s anything I want it to be. It’s my dream city, I dream about it to get away from San Diego so it’s already way better than what I have now. If I didn’t love it in every way then it wouldn’t be my dream city.
    Response #2: I see what you were saying about the job at the hotel, I think. He used it as a learning experience and at the same time he had trouble with it because he didn’t know where to start. This makes sense to me. I also like where you were going thinking that if you grow up being told how to do something a certain way you would have trouble doing a different way later.
    Answer #2: I would go with whatever came to my head. I would try to learn just go, and then learn from my mistakes later. I think that is the greatest way to learn and the most effective. I think he was mainly just scared that he would make a fool of himself and that’s what held him back.
